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Interview with Milica Vuckovic

Each of us suffers from a childhood ‘disease’ which we need to face and overcome,...

The Sun, Mother, and Holy Parsley

 The sun, the mother, and the holy parsley: An introduction to Serbian cursing  If you...

The Book You Will Want to Carry With You Everywhere

Everywhere you look, you can hear how meaningful it is to work on improving yourself....
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Razgovor sa Anom Atanaskovic

Ana Atanasković, knjizevnica i novinarka ciji romani se bave istorijskim ličnostima i njihovim ljubavima, razgovarala...

Vaznost Naseg Jezika

Zašto je važno učiti i čitati na maternjem jeziku, čak i ako živite u inostranstvu...

A Guide to the Serbian Mentality

When you think of a country in Europe, there is always at least one instantly...

Miomir Petrovic Interview

Miomir Petrović, pre svega jedan gospodin, erudita, profesor je, pisac i dramaturg koji je u...

How did YU Biblioteka came to life?

After many years of living in America, I started longing for Serbian literature. I searched...