
Kroz prstohvat razgovora sa spisateljicom, Aleksandrom Mihajlović
Aleksandra Mihajlović svestrana je, visoko obrazovana, zabavna, prepuna energije, radoznala, topla i intelektualno široka žena....

Štalag III B – Tatjana Milanovic
Interviju prenosimo u celosti sa portala Serbian Times. Original tekst mozete preuzeti ovde Srpska spisateljica...

Bojan Ljubenović: Humor ljude čini boljim
Nova knjiga Bojana Ljubenovića pod nazivom Srbin kojekude objavljena je početkom juna u Beogradu. Već...

An interview with Will Firth
In this interview, we're thrilled to introduce Will Firth, a dedicated translator and polyglot whose...

Interview with Mirko Ilić
Mirko Ilić, a renowned graphic designer Mirko Ilić, a renowned graphic designer originally from Yugoslavia,...

Interview with Zoran Penevski
“Elegy on the White Girl” is a story about the fate of an intellectual in...

“Many topics I write about can be amazed and even critically reconsidered with humor“ – Maša Kolanović, writer
Masa Kolanovic Maša Kolanović, Croatian writer, laureate for the EU prize for literature in 2020 ...

Zorica Hadžić, author of the monograph “100 years of Duško Radović”
Dušan Radović is still one of the most popular and most quoted writers today At...