YU Biblioteka

Kroz prstohvat razgovora sa spisateljicom, Aleksandrom Mihajlović
Aleksandra Mihajlović svestrana je, visoko obrazovana, zabavna, prepuna energije, radoznala, topla i intelektualno široka žena....

Štalag III B – Tatjana Milanovic
Interviju prenosimo u celosti sa portala Serbian Times. Original tekst mozete preuzeti ovde Srpska spisateljica...

Bojan Ljubenović: Humor ljude čini boljim
Nova knjiga Bojana Ljubenovića pod nazivom Srbin kojekude objavljena je početkom juna u Beogradu. Već...

How Hard Is It To Write a Book?
I think writing is easier than many other things. For me, anyway, it is much...

An interview with Will Firth
In this interview, we're thrilled to introduce Will Firth, a dedicated translator and polyglot whose...

Interview with Mirko Ilić
Mirko Ilić, a renowned graphic designer Mirko Ilić, a renowned graphic designer originally from Yugoslavia,...

Ispod Majice: The Brutality of a Modern Woman
If you’ve been feeling down lately or can’t seem to find a silver lining anywhere,...

Interview with Zoran Penevski
“Elegy on the White Girl” is a story about the fate of an intellectual in...